Knowledge And Attitudes of Anganwadi Workers About Breast Feeding in The Field Practice Area of Tertiary Care Hospital, Hyderabad


  • Sultan Rizwan Ahmad Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
  • Mohammad Abdul Thaher Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad
  • Chandrasekhar Addepalli Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad


Anganwadi worker, ICDS center, breast feeding, Pre-lecteal feeding


Background: Breast feeding is one of the most important determinants of child survival, birth spacing and prevention of childhood infections. It is important for the Anganwadi workers to have adequate scientific knowledge about breast feeding practices. . Hence this study was conducted to assess the knowledge and attitude of AWW with regards to breast feeding practices.

Methodology: A facility based cross sectional study was conducted covering all 68 ICDS centers. A pretested semi-structured questioner was given to all AWWs. All questions were read out and explained by the author and all queries were clarified.

Results: only 70 % AWW believed that breast feeding should be given on demand and 75 % AWWs believed that bottle is better than katori & spoon for infant feeding. 40% said breastfeeding should be stopped if mother is sick. Most of AWW (98%) believed that almonds and dry fruits increase breast milk secretion.

Conclusion: Present research draws very important conclusions that although knowledge of AWW regarding initiation of breast feeding is high but their knowledge regarding prelecteal feeds, feeding on demand, bottle feeding and breast feeding during sickness needs further improvement.


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How to Cite

Ahmad SR, Thaher MA, Addepalli C. Knowledge And Attitudes of Anganwadi Workers About Breast Feeding in The Field Practice Area of Tertiary Care Hospital, Hyderabad. Natl J Community Med [Internet]. 2016 May 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];7(05):413-6. Available from:



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